07 The Dragon Realms – Never let a good net go to waste

Episode 7 of the Dragon Realms finds Honey Robin, Hob Silver-Slinger and Willowand in a pitched battle! A container of deadly plague is in play and it’s up to the heroes to stop the rogue lizard folk before it’s released…. and they have help!

We are thrilled to have special guest on the show, Marrick from the Knights Rest Tavern!

Marrik at his welcoming inn, the Knight’s Rest

Marrik is a talented streamer and D&D cosplayer. You can find Marrik on Twitch, Tik Tok, Instagram or Youtube. Make sure to let him know you heard him on Chafing Armor!

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Original Music by the talented Sam/Pyrte. You can find more of his music here!

Did you know Chafing Armor has a Wiki? Find the info you want on your favorite characters or NPCs here!

Listen to Chafing Armor on YouTube!

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Connect with your loveable Dungeon Master, Michael, directly. He’s on Twitter and Instagram on @chafingarmor. Our Facebook page has lots of great D&D memes too!

Dare is @Dareimagine on Instagram

Rylee’s art is @1princessbeast on Instagram

Izzie’s art is @swampfiendart on Instagram.

And you can always reach me, producer of chafing armor directly at mrcorley at gmail dot com!

Article by Dungeon Master

The great and powerful Dungeon Master, Michael Corley, resides in the land where wind whips throughout the plains. He is skilled in magic, bard-work and able to convince sensible people to set aside their Fridays to record. He looks amazing in black.

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